Sorry to disappoint you if you thought it was a minor celeb or aliens from Mars but finally my petite jump rings have arrived from Texas. The reason I'm so excited is that I really struggled to get the size that I wanted so I could make the elusive byzantine bracelet I've been desperate to create. So difficult to get, I had to get a custom order from a lovely couple called Ralph & Karen, who also gave me some fab advice too. I love you guys.
So, what's so special about this byzantine bracelet, I hear you ask. Well, to some, not much really but for me it the relisation of a beading dream. I saw one of these bracelets on Etsy and just fell in love with it! I couldn't work out how they had managed to get the rings to twist and turn. I found the an online tutorial and with some very inferior rings I tried to do it. I tried, and I tried, and I tried until one day I threw it across the room. I couldn't work out why I couldn't do it.
But now I know why I couldn't. Essentially, the technique I was doing was correct but the rings were the wrong guage size. In lay mans term, the wire wasn't thick enough to hold the shape.
In some ways, I'm a bit disappointed in how easy I'm finding it to construct. I expected it to be much fiddlier (is that a proper word?) So after getting this done I'm going to do another one, but this time in silver, as a special gift for me for hanging on in there.
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